Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time, a little girl watched. She was eye height to the bake house table. Her dad's big, floury hand kneaded the warm, yeasty dough. Her mum filled pies, plump with peppery meat and potato. The air was filled with the dust of flour and the smell of sweet jam-filled Victoria sandwich cakes and white, cloud like meringues. Fascinating as the work was, she got tired of watching. Mum produced the Noddy annual that had been given as a Christmas present -well, that was it. She was hooked! Twinkle magazine became a favourite but to be honest, she would read the back of the cornflake box if nothing else was available!

She took a particular liking to an old volume of the Encyclopedia Brittanica that had been abandoned by someone. That book went everywhere with her.She got lost between thick, silky pages of exquisite diagrams and leaves of poetry with words that tasted as sweet as mum's apple pie on her tongue. It became her friend. Some words she couldn't decode - but she found that to be part of the pleasure. It was like an undiscovered island that she could go back and visit later.

Famous Five, Secret Seven The Dandy and The Beano all became part of a diet of books that gave her friends, new places and adventures all within her imagination. Magic Far Away Tree, Magic Wishing Chair - and so many more - all fed her seemingly endess hunger for books.

Her talented, hardworking mum and dad did all in their power to provide a wonderful childhood whilst serving,and becoming a big part of, their community. Raising the girl and her happy, clever, beautiful natured sister to be as hard working and caring as they were. They planted their shop and served their customers in such a wonderful way that they and their bakery is still remembered and talked about today - well over fifty years after they set up business!

That girl was me. There is so much more to my story that I will tell as time goes on. Although there have been times in my life when books have taken a back seat - they are still my refuge, my friends, my source of informarion and my escape.

Now after many years being busy helping children learn to read - I get to put my love of books and my built in sense of community along with my passion for education into my very own little shop!

I hope you'll come along on the journey with me.

There are no strangers - only friends we haven't met yet. I look forward to meeting you!

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